Career at Sermatech

Seeking for invigorating job opportunities in automation and robotic field?

Send your open application! We will contact you when we have a need for you talent! Remeber to follow our social media channels if you don’t want to miss your opportunity when we are recruiting!

Email addresses of our personnel are in the form of  

Mechanical engineering, Ulvila
+358 2 531 1900

Mechanical installation and manufacturing, Ulvila
Matti Grönlund
+358 50 3520885

Electrical and Automation engineering, and other Software development,
Ulvila, Rauma & Raisio
Joel Torkkeli, Business 
+358 40 767 5636

Electrical installation, Rauma
Jani Lindroos
+358 45 771 066 30


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